Refund Policy

There is a no refund policy as once treated, the product cannot be returned. 

Please follow the After Care instructions carefully as we cannot be held responsible if your product does not perform the way you believe it should. 

Smoking, direct pressure to the face, touching your face, heat or exercise, alcohol consumption and certain medications may affect individual outcomes.  Results from these products have been scientifically proven however results may vary based on individual lifestyle, habits, health and metabolism. 

You may book in for a 2 week review to determine if you need more product.  This is a free review with me unless you require more product in which case this is an additional cost. Certain individuals will require more product as one treatment is not a “fits all” answer. Certain individuals have (but are not limited to) increased loss of volume in facial tissue, excessive loss of elasticity, heavier facial lines or greater expectations from the amount of product utilised.