Benefits of Wrinkle Refinements

Soften & Prevent

You don’t have to have wrinkles to know you don’t want them in your future. While their main purpose is to improve or temporarily remove existing lines, wrinkle reducing treatments can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and places the formation of future lines on pause.


Look More Rested

With both age and repetitive muscle movement, lines settle into the face and are visible even at rest. It’s these static, 24/7 lines that can make your face look tired and fatigued. By softening those lines and wrinkles in the skin, your face will look fresher, more youthful and relaxed.


Shape & Symmetry

Wrinkle reducing treatments can do more than just reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles; they can also be used to lift certain aspects of the face and balance asymmetrical features.


Not Just For Wrinkles

Wrinkle reducing treatments can also be used to treat non-cosmetic areas. Some added benefits of treating targeted muscles can include a reduction in excessive sweating (in areas such as the underarms and hands), for bruxism or teeth grinding, for hay fever prevention and chronic migraines.



Using market-leading products, we produce high-quality results that embrace and enhance natural beauty.


Medical Team

Suzie has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years performing thousands of treatments Australia wide.